Vicki Hodges
Licensed Sales Agent
A&K Real Estate Pty Ltd | License no. 3082391
Vicki Hodges
Specialty suburbs
Avenell Heights, Avoca, Branyan, Bundaberg, Kalkie, Kepnock, Millbank, Norville, Qunaba, Svensson Heights


0407 962 669

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Widely recognised for continuously going the extra mile for her customers, Vicki Hodges stands out with her absolute sincerity, honesty and trustworthiness in all her work as a real estate agent. Her two decades’ worth of rich experience in the industry have seen her be mentored by some of the best real estate training coaches in the country, become one of the highest selling agents in her area, win prestigious awards and even become a member of the ‘QLD A List’ for six consecutive years. With her extreme reliability and meticulous attention to detail, Vicki boasts a fantastic portfolio filled with repeat customers and referrals. She has lived and worked in the Bundaberg region for over 30 years, and is always eager to share her knowledge about the affordable housing market, amazing diversity, fabulous beaches as well as private rural properties and retreats on offer. For impeccable knowledge of the real estate market in Bundaberg, Vicki Hodges is the first person to contact.

Vicki's listings