Tom Sayers
Sales Agent
Tom Sayers
Specialty suburbs
Belmont, Grovedale, Highton, Marshall, Wandana Heights, Waurn Ponds


0436 123 839

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Tom represents of a new breed of sales consultant, constantly demonstrating his ability to deploy new and dynamic technological, social networking and modern day marketing strategies ensure his clients remain at the forefront of the market during any given transaction.
With 7 years of Real Estate experience and a full Certificate IV in Property Services, Tom Continues to be a market leader within the industry.
The absolute professional, Tom sets clear goals then makes them happen. Equipped with enthusiasm, passion toward his craft and an unrelenting work ethic, the clients Tom interact with are quickly turned into raving fans. Backed by McGrath Estate Agents, Tom is quickly becoming known as a rising star with longevity within the industry.
Tom Sayers

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