Tina Sun
Sales Agent - Xun Sun
Linda Yu Pty ltd | License no. 10003080
Tina Sun
Specialty suburbs
Hurstville, South Hurstville


0433 907 286

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Speaking both English and Mandarin proficiently, gives Tina a big advantage, in the fast paced and competitive world of real estate across the St George area. Her warm and friendly personality is paired with wonderful communication skills, people skills and local property knowledge. Being good at connecting buyers to homes, and making deals happen is why Tina loves her job. What also sets Tina apart a as great agent to have working for you, is her genuine passion, positive can-do attitude, attention to detail, and her honest, friendly and approachable manner. She will attend to your property needs with a professional attitude, listening and providing timely advice and options, while being direct and transparent. Tina’s commitment to getting a good result for her clients, is evident in her responsible and proficient approach. Her clients know she has their best interests at heart, and that she is always working hard to achieve a successful outcome for them.

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