Tammy Hawkins
Sales Agent
T J Hawkins Pty Ltd | License no. 10033550
Tammy Hawkins
Specialty suburbs
Merewether, Merewether Heights, The Junction


0412 028 418

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Tammy Hawkins is committed to exceeding expectations. She has an excellent track record of producing outstanding results and prides herself on her ability to assess and create marketing campaigns to maximise her vendor's sale prices in the shortest time. Key to Tammy's success is her commitment to providing accurate, reliable information around the selling process as well not taking on too many listings at any one time. She strongly believes that each vendor should have the undivided attention they deserve to ensure that no stone is left unturned. Tammy's consistent repeat business and referrals are a testament to her impeccable reputation and her passion for honesty and integrity.

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