Tamika Kent
Sales Manager
McGrath & Co REA Pty Ltd | License no. 4349396
Tamika Kent
Specialty suburb
Everton Park


0431 343 302

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Teeming with kindness, knowledge and enthusiasm, Tamika Kent is your go-to agent for advice that you can trust. With a genuine passion for helping people, Tamika has worked closely alongside hundreds of people with their real estate journeys and works tirelessly to provide outstanding service. A North Brisbane resident and homeowner, Tamika is versatile across all property markets and has 11 years of experience in real estate. Tamika's clients are consistently rewarded by her energetic style, strategic approach, and unwavering determination, as well as her ability to listen to and respond to her clients' individual needs. Her open and honest communication style ensures that Tamika's clients are kept informed every step of the way. When she is not hard at work for her clients, Tamika enjoys nothing more than being with her two daughters and husband, Matt.

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