Tahlia Zheng
Sales Agent
LTC Co Pty Ltd | License no. 10069630
Tahlia Zheng
Specialty suburbs
Eastwood, Epping, Macquarie Park


0404 649 188

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An enthusiastic sales professional with solid integrity, Tahlia Zheng is a licensed Associate Agent with McGrath Epping who has been in real estate for 16 years. She works alongside the established Epping sales team led by renowned agent Betty Ockerlander, with seven years of experience in the fast growing area she both lives and works.
Tahlia has developed a consistent and patient approach to sales and customer service, with a high level of focus which differentiates her from other real estate agents. She has a proven success rate, exemplified by the sale of 9 Sunden Way, North Epping, for the then record price of $2.01 million.
Tahlia's fluency in Mandarin and Cantonese ensures she is a key asset within the Epping and North Epping area, known for its rapidly growing Chinese community. Her outstanding communication skills combined with astute market knowledge enable Tahlia to bridge linguistic and cultural gaps for vendors and buyers alike.

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