Stuart Davies
Davies Inglis Property Pty Ltd | License no. 1109533
Stuart Davies
Specialty suburb


0412 945 954

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One of Camden district's most respected agents and auctioneers, Stuart Davies is the go-to rural lifestyle and property expert. As Principal of McGrath Camden, he has 33 years' experience and a reputation for his honesty, integrity and skill to produce the finest marketing strategies that deliver the best possible outcome. His record breaking achievements include the Australian record for the highest sale price of a home at auction ($24.6m), the highest sale price in Cobbitty ($35.5m), as well as the highest sale price on a per acre basis in Cobbitty ($268,000 per acre). Having conducted over 17,000 auctions, Stuart is regarded as the leading auctioneer in the region, while his ability to think outside the square when it comes to strategy, and his detailed knowledge of development in the broader area, provides a huge advantage to his clients. A councillor for the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW, Stuart is passionate about the local community and helping others succeed.

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