Steve Newman
Sales Agent
Gordon Street Realty Pty Limited | License no. 10089848
Steve Newman
Specialty suburbs
Bonny Hills, Lake Cathie, Laurieton, Port Macquarie, Wauchope


0425 252 520

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Steve Newman has worked in the real estate industry for over 30 years, gaining extensive experience across a broad range of property transactions. With a solid understanding of the many complexities that can arise when selling or buying property he remains client-centred, ensuring that the process is as stress-free and streamlined as possible.
Steve's reputation as an easy going and reliable agent, together with his extensive local knowledge and insight into the real estate environment, has resulted in clients utilising his services to buy and sell on multiple occasions. Steve is the licensed auctioneer for McGrath Port Macquarie, and as well as his expertise in residential property Steve is a highly-respected specialist in 'off the plan' apartment sales, project management and multi-dwelling development sites.

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