Stephen Mina
Sales Agent
Stephen Mina
Specialty suburbs
Dundas, Ermington, Rydalmere, Telopea


0435 722 773

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Helping others achieve major milestones in their life and dealing with so many different people on a daily basis are an absolute joy for residential Sales Agent Stephen Mina. Hardworking, passionate and driven to exceed expectations each and every time, he is an experienced real estate professional who stops at nothing to ensure a premium result and outstanding customer service. Stephen is based in McGrath's highly acclaimed Parramatta office, specialising in areas he knows intimately well from over two decades of living in the region. Charismatic, approachable and knowledgeable, he is rapidly becoming the go-to person for expert local advice. He enjoys developing and maintaining long lasting relationships built on a foundation of trust, respect and honesty. Committed to the success and welfare of his clients, Stephen is thrilled to be part of a company with more agents in the top 100 performing agents than any other real estate agency in Australia.

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