Simon Nolan
Sales Agent
Simon Nolan & Associates Pty Ltd | License no. 10059092
Simon Nolan
Specialty suburbs
Malabar, Maroubra, Matraville, Pagewood


0499 904 363

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Focused and hardworking, Simon Nolan is a licensed sales agent whose passion for real estate comes from helping people. Simon has an outstanding track record around Sydney's south east, with over 1000 personal sales in excess of $1Bn and numerous records to his name. Over the past 23 years in all market conditions, he has helped thousands of fellow locals safely through the often complex buying and selling process. Simon is currently the president of the Rotary Club of Maroubra with a membership spanning 20 years. With his business built on a foundation of repeat loyal clients and referrals, Simon's honesty and engagement builds relationships and delivers higher prices. Always learning and a step ahead, Simon adopts best practice in everything from comprehensive local market research and appraisals to the latest marketing methods. Simon and his team pride themselves on delivering McGrath's six star service, honest straight forward advice and putting their client's interests first.