Scott Moore
Sales Agent
K & M Property Pty Ltd | License no. 1654936
Scott Moore


0419 971 711

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Scott Moore is a highly successful Sales Agent with over 30 years' experience in the St George and Sutherland Shire real estate industry. For Scott, real estate isn't just a job, it's a lifestyle. He considers it an honor to be trusted with helping others secure their greatest asset and often ends up making lifelong friendships. Scott is known for his wealth of knowledge and his approachable personality. He has a high number of repeat clients and always makes himself available when they need real estate advice. Scott has lived in the area for over 50 years and loves being part of a family oriented community. He's a past age manager and proud member of Elouera Surf Club, plus he's a member at Cronulla Golf Club. One of Scott's greatest achievements was being asked to sell the same house on five different occasions - a true reflection of how much his clients appreciate the service he offers. If you're looking for a trusted local agent, call Scott Moore today.

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