Sasha Tasic
Sales Agent
MG South Pty Ltd | License no. 1441882
Sasha Tasic
Specialty suburbs
Connells Point, Kyle Bay


0426 888 388

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The longest serving Sales Agent in the 2221 postcode, few can equal Sasha Tasic?s expertise, enthusiasm and market knowledge.
Sasha?s clients greatly benefit from his 26 year industry experience, wisdom and personalized care.
Deeply people-oriented and invariably cordial, he will supportively guide you through the process of buying or selling, in a highly reassuring manner.
A St George bayside specialist, he applies his extensive local insight to offer his vendors and purchasers pertinent advice to enable them to make the right decision. Skillfully balancing pragmatism and innovation, he passionately shares his knowledge with his clients.
Firmly established in the community, Sasha is well connected and respected for his commitment to assist others. Independent thinker and exuberant communicator, Sasha effortlessly creates an atmosphere of trust and respect. He is a skilled professional to strategically talk to about your property goals.
Sasha is a founding member of McGrath St George.

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