Roger Lahoud
Sales Agent
MG South Pty Ltd | License no. 1441882
Roger Lahoud
Specialty suburbs
Oatley, Penshurst


0418 119 697

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Roger Lahoud is a committed and respected sales agent and valued team member at McGrath St George. A local resident all his life, he is a passionate advocate for the area and knows it like the back of his hand. With over 14 years experience in the industry, Roger's clients know they can rely on him for sound and accurate real estate advice. He is a highly trained and skilled negotiator who is results driven and always composed. With an unwavering focus on achieving premium outcomes, Roger consistently strives to deliver exceptional customer service. He ensures he communicates with his clients through every step of the sales process, keeping them informed and satisfied. McGrath is the right fit for Roger as he feels the company's values align with his own professional standards. He admires their culture of success and dedication to continual improvement and staff development. If you value integrity, emotional intelligence and hard work please call your local market expert Roger.

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