Rachael Ford
Sales Agent
Rachael Ford
Specialty suburbs
Banora Point, Bilambil, Cabarita Beach, Casuarina, Kingscliff, Tweed Heads


0408 755 993

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Rachael is distinguished by her desire to offer all her clients top-tier service. Equipped with a strong knowledge of the Tweed and Southern Gold Coast, she specialises in residential sales and off the plan residential developments. A natural communicator, Rachael takes pride in keeping vendors fully informed about the sales process, from marketing strategy through to the price expectations. Hard-working and hands-on, she draws on all of McGrath’s industry-leading marketing and IT resources to ensure clients’ homes are exposed to the widest possible pool of buyers. Determined and diligent, Rachael’s focus on serving her clients’ best interests really come to the fore during price negotiations, where her commitment to ‘going above and beyond’ yields her clients great results. Rachael thrives in an environment where honesty and transparency are highly valued. “McGrath has changed the face of Australian real estate for the better by putting service centre-stage,” she says.

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