Peter Sutherland
Sales Agent
Hollings Residential PTY LTD | License no. 10018579
Peter Sutherland
Specialty suburbs
Blacktown, Bungarribee, Kings Park, Seven Hills, Toongabbie


0432 561 586

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Dedicated to exceptional client service, Peter Sutherland is an exemplary Sales Agent at McGrath Blacktown. Refreshingly honest and transparent, Peter is renowned for his down to earth, calm approach. He genuinely enjoys coming to work each day and is inspired by the role he plays in helping people achieve their goals.
Drawing on his expertise in property management and sales, Peter brings invaluable insight for his clients, whether owners or investors. These skills perfectly combine with his intimate local knowledge to give Peter an unparalleled edge.
Peter works alongside Senior Sales Agent Joel Hollings, and together they share the record for the highest residential sale in Seven Hills. Peter and Joel make an unstoppable team of tenacious negotiators who deliver blue ribbon service and stellar results.
A born and bred local, Peter is passionate about what the Blacktown area has to offer residents and is an energetic sponsor of the All Saints Toongabbie Tigers football club.

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