Nicholas Dunn
NJD Real Estate Pty Ltd | License no. 10128117
Nicholas Dunn
Specialty suburbs
Cremorne, Kirribilli, Neutral Bay, Willoughby


0439 641 340

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In an industry where experience, commitment and persistence matter, Nicholas Dunn is a driven sales executive who achieves solid results for his clients. Nicholas understands the importance of providing superior customer service, while helping people to secure their real estate dreams. Backed by a successful career with street, block and suburb records in the lower north shore, Nicholas offers his expertise to his specialised area of Cremorne, Kirribilli, Neutral Bay & Willoughby. Having grown up locally, his insight is invaluable when assisting people with their property endeavours. He attended Saint Ignatius' College Riverview and through his connection with the 'Old Ignatians', conducting charity events plus volunteering within the community, Nicholas has a strong network. Highly motivated, Nicholas thrives in an ever changing environment and appreciates the opportunity to represent the innovative McGrath brand. Nicholas is an approachable individual to call for professional advice
Nicholas Dunn

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