Natalie Field
Sales Agent
Charles Stevens (SOLE TRADER) | License no. 1608202
Natalie Field
Specialty suburbs
Coogee, Kensington, Kingsford, Randwick


0468 886 074

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Forming an integral part of Charles Steven’s high performing team, Natalie brings professionalism, honesty and outstanding attention to detail to her role as Executive Assistant. Having grown up in the eastern suburbs, she complements a detailed understanding of the local market with firsthand insights into the area’s many lifestyle benefits, offering valuable advice to clients seeking a unique property that will match their own personal needs. Approachable and friendly, Natalie ensures a smooth and stress-free transaction using her professional demeanour, exceptional communication skills and the willingness to exceed expectations. Proud to work within a company widely recognised as an industry leader, Natalie’s commitment to excellence and integrity aligns perfectly with McGrath’s core values.

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