Specialty suburbs
Breakfast Point, Cabarita, Canada Bay, Concord, Concord West, Five Dock, Liberty Grove, Mortlake, Newington, North Strathfield, Rhodes, Strathfield, Strathfield South, Sydney Olympic Park, Wentworth Point
As a trusted mentor and empathetic sales agent, Michael Murphy is the highly respected director of McGrath Strathfield. With the superior service he provides and his expert industry knowledge built over 14 years, he has ranked 20th nationwide in REB's 'Top 100 Agents 2022'. He enjoys helping people in their journey through real estate and it's with this perspective that Michael does his utmost to deliver exceptional results every time. Having grown up in the neighbourhood has given him specialised market insights on the Strathfield, Strathfield South, Burwood, Croydon, Lidcombe and Ashfield districts as well as Concord, Cabarita, Mortlake and Breakfast Point. His lasting links to the local community and constant desire to build long-term relationships allow him to easily connect with others. A strong believer in John McGrath's vision, Michael is proud to work for Australia's leading real estate brand. For top notch advice and quality properties perfectly suited to all your needs, client focused director Michael Murphy is the obvious choice.