Mergim Ibrahimi
Director | Sales Agent
Abode Real Estate Consultants Pty Limited | License no. 069405L
Mergim Ibrahimi
Specialty suburbs
Belmont, Highton, Wandana Heights


0409 931 165

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Driven by the desire to impress his clients, it is not only Mergim's passion but his mission, to change the way people perceive the industry. Mergim believes that much more can be done by way of customer satisfaction, beyond that of just achieving an incredible result. It is this philosophy that gets him out of bed at 5am, preparing his day so that no client is forgotten ensuring they receive the McGrath Geelong | Newtown six-star service experience. Consistently a top performer with an unblemished record of client surveys, what Mergim is truly proud of is the moments where his client's lives have been changed.
Supported by Georgia Ivanecky, whose role is to support all client needs and manage the team brand, and is highly skilled with matching buyers to on market and off-market opportunities. This team environment offers our clients 100% attention and service at all times.
Mergim Ibrahimi

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