Melissa McCormack
Licensed Sales Agent
Rubie Holdings Pty Ltd | License no. 1223165
Melissa McCormack


0422 599 055

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Melissa McCormack embodies a new style of agent, multi-skilled and highly motivated with an intelligent approach to sales and marketing. Having spent two decades working in Eastern Suburbs real estate, there's little Melissa doesn't know about the market and her loyalty and longevity in the industry serve as testament to her abilities. Born and raised in the Eastern Suburbs, Melissa grew up in Maroubra and has an in-depth understanding of the area she still calls home. Her natural ability to build rapport with clients comes from her openness and sincerity, traits that enable her to build strong relationships based on authenticity, respect and honesty. Having spent more than a decade as marketing manager for a leading agency, Melissa's marketing expertise and insight create the perfect foundations for her role. Twenty years in the industry have afforded her excellent communication and organisational skills, strengths that are fuelled by her strong work ethic and steadfast determination.

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