Max Xue
Project Sales Agent
MVS Project Sales Pty Ltd | License no. 10122386
Max Xue
Specialty suburb


0433 215 085

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As a dedicated project sales agent of McGrath's West, Northwest and Hawkesbury offices, Max Xue greatly values good teamwork among all his associates. Having worked in the industry for nearly a decade, he has managed a wide range of projects in the inner city, Parramatta and The Hills Shire and now specialises in Castle Hill. Max loves a challenge and prides himself on being able to consistently deliver superior results and maximise returns while performing under pressure. Known as a reputable agent within Sydney's property market, he has been bestowed with several excellence awards for sales and marketing including an award for selling the highest valued apartment of the year. Diligent and goal-oriented, Max is proud to be part of a respected McGrath brand - one that is committed to the same level of integrity and sense of community that he strives for. If you're looking for a passionate real estate professional with outstanding skills and experience to match, call Max Xue today.

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