Mat Steinwede
Sales Agent
JMB (NSW) Pty Ltd Trading As McGrath Central Coast | License no. 1083703
Mat Steinwede
Specialty suburbs
Macmasters Beach, Wamberal


0414 852 200

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Ranking consistently as the number one agent in the McGrath Network, combined with leading one of the most successful sales teams in Australasia, Mat Steinwede is a sought-after property sales specialist. With over 23 years experience dedicated solely to the real estate industry across the Central Coast, Mat has one of Australia's best track records in property sales. As an industry leader, Mat has a highly specialised team in Customer Service, Marketing Strategy and Technology and Database Management. This allows him to dedicate his time to the critical areas of buyer management and negotiation for his clients. Mat's achievements have seen him recognised by global sales leaders and a thought leader and emerge as an in-demand high-performance speaker. Outside his passion for Real Estate, Mat is an author and founder of the 31 Minute Global Movement which helps people who want to unlock their true potential and live their best life.

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