Martika Whitfield
Sales Agent
Henley Mulae Hall Pty Ltd | License no. 1540641
Martika Whitfield
Specialty suburbs
Gladesville, Putney, Tennyson Point


0431 755 597

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Energetic, understanding and an expert negotiator, Martika Whitfield cares deeply about her clients and strives to guarantee the best outcomes for them, making their property journey both enjoyable and efficient. For her, dealing with customers is more than a transaction and she always has everyone's best interests at heart. With previous experience in a law firm, Martika's conveyancing skills are complemented by her genuine passion for the dynamic real estate industry. She finds it highly rewarding to understand and meet the needs of her customers, especially during such vital stages of their lives. Specialising in Putney, Tennyson Point, Gladesville and the surrounding suburbs, Martika loves the area's family-friendly atmosphere and great proximity to the CBD. A key member of Benjamin Mulae's multi-award winning team, she's proud to be part of a well established McGrath brand with premier marketing. For quality customer service, call Martika Whitfield today.
Martika Whitfield

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