Maddie Thomas
Associate Agent
M Thomas Estate Agents Pty Ltd | License no. 10129723
Maddie Thomas


0405 427 747

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Maddie Thomas delivers elite customer service with a genuinely positive attitude and committed work ethic. Her can do approach and friendly persona instil clients with confidence when it comes to entrusting her with the sale or purchase of their property. Working alongside Mitchell Thomas, Sales Agent from McGrath Toukley, she forms an integral part of a committed team with a proven record of excellent outcomes. A strong people person, Maddie is highly focused on the needs and goals of her clients. She will liaise directly with you in respect of all of your marketing material from the photography through to publication. Maddie will be there to ensure the process from listing right through until settlement runs smoothly. Drawn to McGrath for its strong market presence, Maddie has found the high quality standard of service and professionalism makes her proud to be a team member.

Maddie's listings