Kate Pan
Sales Agent
Better Homes Realty Pty Ltd | License no. 1317153
Kate Pan


0450 564 660

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Honest, dedicated and trustworthy, sales agent Kate Pan puts her excellent communication and problem solving skills at the forefront whilst seeking the best outcome for her customers. Her strong command of the English, Mandarin and Cantonese languages enables her to connect and offer tailored services to a more diverse client base. With a Masters in accounting, experience in property management and mortgage brokering, Kate assists customers to make well informed decisions by providing keen insights into market trends and general industry advice. A key member of McGrath and working with Betty Ockerlander, Kate is proud to represent a company that shares her commitment to finding the right home for her clients every time. Whether you're buying or selling in Epping, Macquarie Park, Beecroft, Eastwood, Ryde or the Hills district, call sales agent Kate Pan of McGrath Epping today.

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