Joshua Pyatigorsky
Projects & Development Specialist
Josh Pyatt Real Estate Pty Ltd | License no. 10128920
Joshua Pyatigorsky


0415 329 804

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A highly dedicated projects and development specialist with a strong investment background, Joshua Pyatigorsky leverages his excellent knowledge in property development and planning so he can maximise the highest sale price possible for property owners. He is a licensed real estate agent with over 15 years experience in the field, and one of his career highlights include successfully selling five properties in just one week. He relishes the opportunity to bring people together from all walks of life and enjoys getting deals done for his clients. Josh has aligned himself with the industry leading McGrath brand to capitalise on their streamlined processes and vast network database, aiming to deliver specialised service and exceed customer expectations. As a lifelong local of Sydney, he's excited to provide extensive insights about the lifestyle and property markets on offer. If you're looking for a professional to maximise your real estate asset, Joshua Pyatigorsky will have your best interests in mind.

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