Jon Snead
Jon Snead
Specialty suburbs
Cremorne, Neutral Bay


0408 160 527

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Over the last 12 years, Jon has built a significant reputation in the real estate industry and is renowned for his unrivalled passion and dedication. His outstanding results have seen him awarded “Agent of the Year” for Cremorne and Neutral Bay for 4 of the past 5 years. You can trust that you and your home will be in expert hands with Jon guiding you through the often stressful selling process.
Having lived in the heart of Cremorne for many years, Jon has an intimate understanding of the area's unique appeal for potential homeowners. With a background in advertising and marketing, he strives to make the selling experience seamless. Jon is an excellent communicator, ensuring the relationship is one of collaboration with his clients throughout the entire selling process, keeping them informed every step of the way.
His impressive track record demonstrates his unwavering commitment to achieving the best results for every home he sells. With insightful strategic thinking, Jon ensures that clients are positioned to attain the highest possible price for their properties.
Jon is the ideal choice for those wanting a genuine, transparent, and results-driven agent on their side.
Jon Snead

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