With valuable experience gained over more than two decades in the industry, sales agent John Dalton continues to impress with his immense local knowledge, adaptability and proven commitment to attaining premium outcomes. His 22 years of living in Logan has allowed him to not only develop keen insights into the area’s property market and ethnically diverse demographic, but also participate in various non-profit projects and initiatives within the community. With a friendly attitude and genuine desire to help, John relishes meeting and building profound connections with all manner of people. He's also able to draw on 15 years' experience as principal of his own agency, providing advice and solutions to clients whether they are starting out, investing or downsizing. Delighted to represent McGrath, John is proud to be part of an upper echelon brand that operates with meticulous forward-thinking strategies. For buying and selling in Logan, be sure to reach out to local expert John Dalton.