James Ledgerwood
Sales Agent
James Ledgerwood Real Estate Pty Ltd | License no. 10056122
James Ledgerwood


0417 927 517

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Always delivering the highest level of professionalism and trustworthiness, sales agent James Ledgerwood possesses 20 years experience as a real estate agent dedicated to selling residential homes. His longevity in the industry means he's had multiple property dealings with repeat customers for more than a decade and a profound understanding of the market after negotiating changing conditions through many economic cycles. From sales in world class beachfront developments through to marketing generational family homes with numerous beneficiaries, several record prices have been achieved through James's sales approach. He once held a state record for the highest price achieved at auction for a residential property, and was once responsible for three of the top five residential sales statewide in a calendar year. For buying and selling in the eastern suburbs, let James Ledgerwood provide you with his invaluable local insight about the areas highly sought-after lifestyle opportunities.

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