Jaimie Woodcock
Sales Agent
JMB (NSW) Pty Ltd Trading As McGrath Central Coast | License no. 1083703
Jaimie Woodcock
Specialty suburbs
Alison, Arcadia Vale, Avoca Beach, Awaba, Balcolyn, Balmoral, Bateau Bay, Belmont, Belmont North, Belmont South, Bennetts Green, Bensville, Berkeley Vale, Blackalls Park, Blacksmiths, Blackwall, Blue Bay, Blue Haven, Bolton Point, Bonnells Bay, Booker Bay, Booragul, Brightwaters, Budgewoi, Buff Point, Bushells Ridge, Buttaba, Cams Wharf, Canton Beach, Carey Bay, Catherine Hill Bay, Caves Beach, Central Mangrove, Chain Valley Bay, Charmhaven, Chittaway Bay, Chittaway Point, Coal Point, Cooranbong, Copacabana, Croudace Bay, Daleys Point, Davistown, Dora Creek, Doyalson, Durren Durren, East Gosford, Eleebana, Empire Bay, Eraring, Erina, Erina Heights, Ettalong Beach, Fassifern, Fennell Bay, Fishing Point, Floraville, Forresters Beach, Fountaindale, Freemans Waterhole, Glenning Valley, Gorokan, Gosford, Green Point, Gwandalan, Halekulani, Halloran, Hamlyn Terrace, Hardys Bay, Holgate, Horsfield Bay, Jewells, Jilliby, Kanwal, Kariong, Kilaben Bay, Killarney Vale, Killcare, Kincumber, Kincumber South, Kingfisher Shores, Koolewong, Lake Haven, Lake Munmorah, Lakelands, Lisarow, Little Wobby, Long Jetty, Lower Mangrove, Macmasters Beach, Macquarie Hills, Magenta, Mangrove Creek, Mangrove Mountain, Mannering Park, Mardi, Marks Point, Marmong Point, Matcham, Mirrabooka, Moonee, Morisset, Morisset Park, Mount Elliot, Mount Hutton, Murrays Beach, Narara, Niagara Park, Norah Head, Noraville, Nords Wharf, North Avoca, North Gosford, Ourimbah, Patonga, Pearl Beach, Peats Ridge, Pelican, Phegans Bay, Picketts Valley, Pinny Beach, Point Clare, Point Frederick, Pretty Beach, Rathmines, Redhead, Rocky Point, Ryhope, San Remo, Saratoga, Shelly Beach, Silverwater, Somersby, Speers Point, Springfield, St Huberts Island, Summerland Point, Sunshine, Swansea, Swansea Heads, Tacoma, Tascott, Teralba, Terrigal, The Entrance, The Entrance North, Tingira Heights, Toowoon Bay, Toronto, Toukley, Tuggerawong, Tumbi Umbi, Umina Beach, Valentine, Wadalba, Wagstaffe, Wakefield, Wallarah, Wamberal, Wangi Wangi, Warners Bay, Warnervale, Watanobbi, West Gosford, Windale, Windermere Park, Woodrising, Woongarrah, Woy Woy, Woy Woy Bay, Wyee, Wyee Point, Wyoming, Wyong, Wyongah, Yarrawonga Park, Yattalunga


0414 458 444

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In partnership with Mat Steinwede, Jaimie is the licensee, co-owner and General Manager of the Central Coast franchise comprising six strategic locations - Terrigal, Gosford, Ettalong, Long Jetty, Toukley and Avoca Beach.
In operation since 2000 and part of the McGrath network since 2005 Jaimie oversees operations of the business that comprises over 100 staff with annual sales of over $500M and a property management portfolio of over 1500 properties.
Producing outstanding results for the local market over a long period of time as well as a healthy contribution to the local community and the industry has earned Jaimie the respect of his peers, colleagues and the industry alike.
Jaimie's passion for brand and innovation along with a competitive upbringing are a perfect fit for the McGrath business and are echoed by a long list of past client recommendations.