Holly King
Sales Agent
Gordon Street Realty Pty Limited | License no. 10089848
Holly King
Specialty suburb
Port Macquarie


0411 138 332

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Beyond refreshingly natural attributes; an unmistakably genuine smile, engaging personality and sincere connection with people from all walks of life, Holly King impresses as a well-informed and widely experienced property professional, her eye for detail and inherent perception of appealing presentation complemented by a comprehensive understanding of her local marketplace.
A true local, born and raised in Port Macquarie, Holly has excelled in virtually every aspect of our region's property industry. Attaining a full real estate agent license early in her career she now blends her diverse skills and experience with honesty, empathy and guidance to assist valued clients to early successes. Working alongside her talented husband, Damian, Holly King is proud to represent acclaimed McGrath Estate Agents.

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