Heber De Carvalho
Partner and Sales Agent
The HDC Group Pty Limited | License no. 10056661
Heber De Carvalho
Specialty suburbs
Padstow, Panania, Picnic Point, Revesby


0452 224 692

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Since 2006, Heber De Carvalho has excelled as an award-winning real estate agent and industry leader, seamlessly leveraging McGrath's resources to craft dynamic marketing strategies that connect properties with qualified buyers. Meticulous and client-focused, Heber's exceptional negotiation skills ensure seamless transactions, while his proactive approach turns challenges into opportunities. He stays ahead of market trends, guaranteeing a competitive edge, and his transparent communication and global collaboration define his partnership-driven approach. Heber has consistently set new price benchmarks with record sales and is a trusted advisor in unlocking the full potential of every property.

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