Hamish Gibbs
Sales Agent
Chauncy Real Estate Pty Ltd | License no. 1465914
Hamish Gibbs


0448 593 201

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Hamish’s real estate style has a refreshing energy, and he brings more than 10 years’ industry experience to his role as a sales agent. His responsive nature and hard-working approach mean he is able to exceed client expectations while delivering a friendly and positive experience along the way.
By combining his excellent communication skills with an outstanding talent for negotiation, Hamish builds strong relationships with vendors and buyers through his warm and understanding approach. He likes to connect with his clients in a way that makes them feel comfortable to contact him at any hour of day, so he can help develop the best sales strategy that’s specifically tailored for them.
As a passionate Lower North Shore resident, Hamish prides himself on going the extra mile to make sure he gets the best result for his vendors. He enjoys the challenge of working in the lower north shore’s vibrant real estate market and is proud to be a part of a group of genuine local experts with Team Chauncy. He makes a perfect fit for the team’s love of the district and great community involvement.
Hamish Gibbs

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