Hamish Bolderston
Sales Agent
S/CST RE2 Pty Ltd | License no. 3995411
Hamish Bolderston


0478 099 058

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An astute property professional, Hamish Bolderston combines his comprehensive industry experience with his passion for real estate and an insatiable drive to achieve exceptional results. Hamish prides himself on providing relevant and honest advice to create a stress-free and positive experience for both buyers and sellers alike. A dedicated father who takes an active role in the community, Hamish has a wealth of local area knowledge and is a great promoter of the lifestyle the Sunshine Coast provides.
With an innovative, transparent and ethical approach, Hamish?s commitment to delivering superior customer care and establishing long lasting client relationships has afforded him an enviable reputation. Hamish is proud to be part of the McGrath Mooloolaba team, knowing their values and philosophies are identical to his own business ethos and service standards.

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