Georgia Ivanecky
Sales Agent
Abode Real Estate Consultants Pty Limited | License no. 069405L
Georgia Ivanecky
Specialty suburbs
Belmont, Highton, Wandana Heights


0487 613 338

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Bringing with her a dynamic personality and an energetic approach to real estate, Georgia is an integral part of team McGrath with a wealth of experience in all things real estate.
Georgia’s passion for customer service complements her love of design and marketing which in turn, drives her passion for property. Always looking to increase her repertoire of skills, Georgia achieved her McGrath Auctioneer Accreditation in 2022, an exclusive recognition for the highest calibre of auctioneers, with currently only 50 auctioneers within this group nationwide.
Her enthusiasm for bringing a genuine and professional approach to her work underpins Georgia’s commitment to providing the highest quality service and building long-lasting relationships with clients. Georgia prides herself on her strong will and ability to thrive under pressure making her a great asset to the team.
Georgia Ivanecky

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