Filippa Joensson
Assistant Property Manager
Northcote Realty Pty Ltd | License no. 071424L
Filippa Joensson
Specialty suburbs
Alphington, Fairfield, Northcote, Preston, Reservoir, Thornbury


0439 268 291

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Constantly seeking new learning opportunities to enhance her already impressive skill set, assistant property manager Filippa Joensson goes above and beyond to ensure she always delivers superior results. She services the Northcote, Thornbury, Preston, Reservoir, Brunswick and Fitzroy markets with energy and enthusiasm, greatly enjoying the different experiences each day in the industry brings. Having started her career as a leasing concierge, she has worked diligently to gain valuable knowledge in each role she's held. With an optimistic mindset, she's able to see every challenge as a chance to improve her craft. Filippa's eagerness to achieve a deep understanding of every facet of the job allows her to quickly excel at all tasks. Working alongside such a well respected team of McGrath agents, Filippa is able to provide a high quality customer experience every time. A reliable assistant property manager at McGrath Northcote, you'll be in good hands with Filippa Joensson.

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