Emily Tam
Sales Agent
WSL Consulting Pty Ltd | License no. 10075999
Emily Tam
Specialty suburbs
Pymble, Wahroonga, Warrawee
Mandarin, Cantonese


0414 370 611

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Well admired for her personable attitude and impeccable work ethic, sales agent Emily Tam consistently aims to exceed her clients' expectations.
She prides herself as being a key member of Lipscombe Team, working closely with buyers and vendors.
She enjoys being part of the real estate industry, cherishing the opportunities to meet new people, admire gorgeous residences and find a place for clients to finally call home.
Acknowledging the importance of harmonious communication, Emily is happy to work with people of any background in order to achieve great results.
Her trilingual skills include fluency in Cantonese and Mandarin, providing Emily a crucial advantage with Chinese buyers.
She specialises in the suburbs of Pymble, Turramurra, Warrawee and Wahroonga, thrilled to reveal the area's verdant setting, outstanding schools and character appeal.
A proud member of McGrath, Emily trusts the agency's long lived and successful reputation. Give Emily Tam a call to receive dedicated service.

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