Eitan Rubinstein
Sales Agent
Rubie Holdings Pty Ltd | License no. 1223165
Eitan Rubinstein
Specialty suburbs
Kingsford, Maroubra


0401 373 731

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Eitan Rubinstein has been in the real estate industry for over 22 years focusing on Sydney's Eastern Suburbs. During this time, he has established a strong client list and gained immeasurable market knowledge and experience. His excellent track record is reflected in an impeccable reputation. As a qualified Property Valuer with a Bachelor of Land Economics, his skills in accurately assessing market values and trends are an invaluable tool in a competitive and ever-changing market place.
Always a step ahead, Eitan's experience, which includes prestige real estate sales in the Middle East and Europe, ensures he can confidently provide exceptional negotiation skills, honest and educated advice. Complemented by the strength of the McGrath brand and the superior marketing resources available, Eitan's knowledge and expertise is a valuable contribution to the McGrath team.

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