Dianne Bulmer
Sales Agent
D & B Realty Pty Ltd | License no. 10072556
Dianne Bulmer
Specialty suburbs
Davistown, Green Point, Kincumber, Kincumber South, Saratoga, Yattalunga


0455 322 985

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Dianne is committed to achieving outstanding sales results for her clients. Recognised for her boundless energy, ethics and professionalism, she demonstrates a genuine interest for the wellbeing of her clients and this is reflected in her exceptional results with her outstanding interpersonal skills and superior negotiating skills, Dianne works closely with vendors to achieve premium results. Her detailed knowledge and passion for the area is evident to all, as she is able to clearly articulate the benefits and lifestyle of this beautiful part of the Central Coast. Importantly, it is this first-hand market knowledge which is critical for her to consistently achieve the best possible results for her clients. Dianne loves her work and is committed to providing superior service to sellers and buyers alike. As a result, her clients happily recommend her to family and friends.

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