David McGuinness
Sales Agent
Abode Real Estate Consultants Pty Limited | License no. 069405L
David McGuinness
Specialty suburbs
Belmont, Grovedale, Highton, Marshall, Wandana Heights


0412 646 009

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Widely respected within the industry, top performing agent David McGuinness believes strongly in delivering excellence in sales coupled with exceptional customer service. His strong background in hospitality management, coupled with real estate experience since 1998 has given David a set of skills and knowledge to provide incomparable service and outstanding success. Personable and reliable, he is a skilled negotiator and natural communicator, who enjoys developing lasting business relationships built on a foundation of honesty, respect and integrity. David is based in McGrath Geelong | Newtown's office, an area he grew up in and still calls home. Renowned for going above and beyond and delivering on his promises, David's attention to detail, market knowledge and desire to exceed client expectations have resulted in an exceptional clearance rate and client satisfaction level.
David McGuinness

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