David Cortous
Director | Sales Agent
Abode Real Estate Consultants Pty Limited | License no. 069405L
David Cortous
Specialty suburbs
Geelong, Newtown


0416 164 336

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As Principal and Officer in Effective Control of McGrath Geelong | Newtown, licensed real estate agent and auctioneer, David Cortous leads a dynamic team of sales and property management professionals and intends to raise the benchmark for excellence within the local real estate community. Setting the pace in the Geelong region since 2001, David has already secured himself an exemplary reputation and currently holds the auction clearance rate record and price record for the Geelong residential market. A local resident himself, David has a strong appreciation for the area's convenience and wonderful lifestyle appeal. His expertise and straight-shooting character, coupled with McGrath's unrivalled international network, provide the perfect platform to enable him to continue to produce outstanding results. Excited about the future of McGrath in Geelong, David is proud to be aligned with a brand whose integrity and professionalism are synonymous with his own.
David Cortous

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