Daniel Dimitriadis
Sales Agent
King Commission Pty Limited | License no. 10048125
Daniel Dimitriadis


0417 768 882

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Servicing the St George market with a great appreciation for the local community, Daniel Dimitriadis is easily able to resonate and connect with the area's demographic. His commitment to the service of our clients is evident in his professionalism and dedication to every interaction, and it's an honest and genuine approach mixed with his vibrant personality that make Daniel a favourite. Daniel provides buyers and sellers with a wealth of market knowledge and educated insights to guide them through any big property decision. Daniel is proud to be a part of a reputable brand that makes the effort to invest in its agents and help them advance their skills. As someone who strives to deliver superior results, he values how the company promotes a positive working environment that perfectly aligns with his work ethic. If you're looking for honest advice from a knowledgeable sales agent, get in touch with Daniel Dimitriadis of McGrath Sans Souci.

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