Damian King
Sales Agent
Gordon Street Realty Pty Limited | License no. 10089848
Damian King
Specialty suburb
Port Macquarie


0402 149 844

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Honesty, generosity and uncompromised loyalty form the basis for long-lasting friendship, knowledge, experience and tenacity, the fundamentals for business success. This rare combination of qualities best explains why the many delighted clients of acclaimed real estate agent, Damian King speak so highly of his services as they warmly welcome him into their circles of friends. A Port Macquarie local since childhood, Damian's area knowledge is extensive and three world bodyboarding championships remain a testament to his competitive nature. His unique ability to embrace each new challenge with constructive imagination and enthusiasm sets him apart, clearly establishing him as one of the region's most successful property professionals; Damian King, a McGrath selling agent who consistently gets results.

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