Claire Ward
Sales Agent
MW1 Pty Ltd | License no. 10035090
Claire Ward
Specialty suburbs
Drummoyne, Henley, Hunters Hill, Huntleys Point, Rodd Point, Russell Lea, Woolwich


0424 233 222

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Highly experienced and with an impressive track record Claire specialises in marketing apartments and family homes around the waterfront in Hunters Hill, Drummoyne, and the surrounding foreshore suburbs. Coming from a family with a rich history within the Real Estate industry Claire continues this legacy, working alongside her brother Matthew and together they have achieved some awe-inspiring results including a number of suburb records. Ultimately recognised for her authenticity and outstanding service to buyers and sellers Claire surpasses people's expectations of a real estate agent and has built a cult following of past clients.
Raised in Drummoyne and having spent her career working in Hunters Hill Claire has an intimate understanding of the varying homes and relevant buyers and is forever championing the fantastic lifestyle on offer within the Inner West and Mid North Shore region.
Claire Ward

Claire's listings