Cherie Sun
Licensed Estate Agent
Allens Projects Pty Ltd | License no. 077145L
Cherie Sun


0450 856 663

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Patient and respectful, Cherie is passionate about working in the real estate industry as she enjoys learning more about people and the community she works within. She appreciates the opportunity to learn more about the impact of governmental and other factors that have on the property market, and considers that real estate agents are one of the few professionals that have access to this valuable insight. Cherie thoroughly believes that the “challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful”. With a Masters of Accounting & Commerce, Cherie has a thorough background and understanding of the economics of the dynamic property market. She combines her experience and knowledge base to assist her clients in achieving their property dreams. Away from the office, Cherie enjoys playing sports including skiing in the winter and swimming in summer. She also enjoys creating traditional Chinese paintings and calligraphy.

Cherie's listings