Chelsea Renshaw
Property Officer
MVS Property Sales Pty Ltd | License no. 10096503
Chelsea Renshaw


0474 451 244

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A fair and reliable property officer with a positive attitude, Chelsea Renshaw is committed to providing exceptional customer service. She's motivated to always improve on her already high standards, taking every opportunity to learn more about the industry. With a genuine desire to assist people in the search for their ideal home, Chelsea takes great care to understand clients' needs, while also making sure that landlords' investments are being well looked after. Calling Western Sydney home, she loves the vibrant lifestyle, beautiful national parks and flourishing arts scene on offer here, and with first-hand insight into the area, she's well placed to assist the McGrath West, Northwest, Hills and Hawkesbury teams. Proud to represent a McGrath brand known for fostering positive team culture and excellent professional development opportunities, Chelsea Renshaw will be happy to assist with any of your property management needs.

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