Charlie Clemons
Sales Agent
Charlie Clemons
Specialty suburbs
Armadale, Kooyong, Malvern, South Yarra, Toorak


0405 635 914

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Redefining standards of excellence and service through his role as Sales Agent of McGrath South Yarra. Charlie Clemons is well regarded in the industry for exceeding client expectations. Driven, energetic and ambitious, he strives to ensure McGrath is the go-to agency for the community. Specialising in the South Yarra, Armadale, Malvern, Kooyong and Toorak markets, Charlie is an REIV member who delivers valuable local insights into the area's continuous growth and community profiles. He finds it exciting to work in such an upscale location filled with everything from Art Deco apartments to large family homes. With his impressive ability to relate to people from all walks of life, Charlie cherishes the chance to help customers achieve significant life goals. As part of the McGrath brand, he is inspired by the brand's nationwide network and diversity of offerings. Whether you're looking to buy or sell, call Charlie Clemons for expert advice and assistance.

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