Chandar Singh
Sales Agent
MVS Hills Sales Pty Ltd | License no. 10126808
Chandar Singh
Specialty suburb
Baulkham Hills


0414 577 760

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Ambitious and enthusiastic with a tireless work ethic, Chandar thrives on the variety and fast-paced environment of real estate, he takes pleasure in the opportunity to change people’s lives and make their property experience a seamless and memorable one. Chandar's care for communication and marketing ensures that his clients are kept well informed throughout the sales process, while the properties are showcased in their most favourable light. Determined to be known as a client focused and results driven negotiator For Chandar, real estate is more than just a job, it's a lifestyle in which he happily immerses himself in each day. Chandar has a Degree in MSC Project Management and BA (Hons) International Business management major in Marketing which gives him insight into how to bring in more buyers through all online channels.

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