Carl Hammond
Sales Agent
Carl Hammond
Specialty suburbs
Drumcondra, Geelong West, Manifold Heights


0407 042 152

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As someone who prides himself on providing down-to-earth real estate advice that genuinely helps his fellow residents of Geelong to achieve their property goals, Carl Hammond is an ever-popular member of the sales team at McGrath. His empathy for, and his strong interest in, those around him make Carl a real estate natural. He believes in an authentic approach, always communicating directly, and he values honest and compassion above all other sales traits.
Friendly and approachable, he prides himself on being able to connect with both vendors and buyers, always having their best interests at heart. A proactive and motivated professional with excellent communication skills, Carl can be relied upon to work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure that you not simply reach your desired result but exceed it.

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