Brittany Culpin
Sales Agent
Culpin Realty Pty Ltd | License no. 10119218
Brittany Culpin


0403 402 243

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As a dedicated Sales Agent working alongside Adrian Culpin, one of the top 50 agents in NSW, Brittany Culpin is committed to providing six-star service to her clients. With a fresh, enthusiastic approach to buying and selling real estate in Hamlyn Terrace and Woongarrah, Brittany is known for her persistence, determination, and focused, systematic approach. Her caring and attentive style ensures a streamlined and straightforward experience for clients when buying or selling their most valuable asset. Drawn to McGrath for its outstanding brand awareness and commitment to quality marketing, Brittany's passion for ongoing professional development aligns perfectly with the innovative McGrath brand, making her a valuable asset to the Toukley office.

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